Summer Camps 2025!

Summer Camps 2025!

Looking for an awesome summer adventure for your child(ren)? You’ve landed in the right spot – welcome to your one-stop guide to all the fantastic summer camps happening at Prince of Peace Catholic Church & School!

  • Fr Smith invites all young men who have received their First Holy Communion to Altar Server Practice Camp on 2-5 June from 10a-12p. This free camp is for new servers in the English Mass. To register, call the parish office at 864.268.4352.
  • Summer Art Camp with Marilyn Alber offers a creative kickoff to summer for students entering 1st-8th grades! Choose from three 1-week sessions: a) 2-6 June, b) 9-13 June, or c) 16-20 June. Grades 1st-3rd meet 10a-12p, and grades 4th-8th meet 1p-3p, Monday through Friday. This 2-hour daily camp includes group demonstrations and individual instruction with a variety of media like pencil, charcoal, pastels, watercolors, and acrylics. Fee is $196 per session (materials provided), limited to 10 students per session. Register by 20 May with payment (check to POPCS, Attn: Ms. Alber); no refunds after 23 May. Held in the Walsingham Building Art Room. See the Flyer.  Registration Form. Questions? Call Marilyn Alber at (864) 631.5236 or email
  • Our annual Summer Choral Theatre for rising 3rd – 8th graders will be held Monday, 9 June through Saturday, 14 June with a performance on Saturday, 15 June. This half-day camp runs 9.30a-12.30p, and includes singing, acting, and basic choreography, as well as snacks and games. This year’s show will be It’s Cool in the Furnace. This funny retelling of the story of a Godly guy named Daniel, his three side-kicks, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and King Nebuchadnezzar and a fiery furnace is about as cool as it gets. So too is this classic children’s musical that recounts this captivating tale with humor, action, and spiritual heart. The dramatic music, at times lively, jazzy, and thoughtful, makes this story exciting and moving. To register, please complete the form (also available in the parish and school offices) and return it to the parish office with payment. Program fee is $70 per child, $190 family maximum. Deadline for registration is 15 May.
  • Prince of Peace VBS 2025 will be 22-27 June 2025. Our theme for this summer’s VBS is Marvelous Mystery: The Mass Comes Alive!  Entering 1st-6th attend Monday-Thursday, 8.15a-12.30p, Friday will be 8.15a-1.30p with a provided pizza lunch for the entire family and conclude with our traditional water day fun. There will be Mass daily at 11a during the week of VBS.
    • We are looking for additional adult volunteers for the program. Email Maria Barontini ASAP and you can register your children during the volunteer registration period.
    • Our youth evening program for students entering grade 7th-12th, will start on Sunday evening (22 June) and end on Thursday evening and will run from 6-7:30p nightly. This year the entering 7th-8th graders will be grouped separately from the entering 9th-12th graders.
    • Registration OPENS on 3 MARCH 2025  Registration forms are only available by contacting Maria Barontini by email. Registration Fee per child – $40/ Family Maximum Fee $110
  • Dribble for Destiny Summer Basketball Camp is 14-16 July from 9a-12p for ages 8-13 boys and girls. Fee: $121 includes free t-shirt and ball; 2 ball dribbling, passing, shooting, ball handling, video, daily contests, and daily devotions. THIS IS A 3 DAY CAMP. SIGN UP AND PAY NOW TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT. See registration form.
Summer Camps 2023!

Summer Camps 2023!

  • All are welcome to Summer Art Camp with Marilyn Alber.  A great way to start your summer and get creative. Registration deadline is Friday, 26 May. Registration forms are available here or by emailing Marilyn Alber at
    • Two weeks to choose from [6/12- 6/16] or [6/19 – 6/23] for students entering 1st – 8th.  (Limit 10 students per session)
    • Classes are held for 2 hours a day Monday through Friday. (Students 1st-3rd (10a-12p)) (Students 4th-8th (1p-3p)).
    • Fees for one week session is $190 (materials provided).
    • Classes will be held in the Walsingham Building – Art Room.
  • Dribble for Destiny Summer Basketball Camp is 10-13 July from 9a-12p for ages 8-13 boys and girls. Fee: $119 includes free t-shirt and ball; 2 ball dribbling, passing, shooting, ball handling, video, daily contests, and daily devotions. THIS IS A 4 DAY CAMP. SIGN UP AND PAY NOW TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT. See registration form.
  • Prince of Peace Catholic School is proud to offer Summer Journey, a FREE, fun and engaging summer school program for K5-8th grade from 12 June – 7 July. The experience meets Monday-Thursday from 9a-12p for 4 weeks. Catapult’s Summer Journey Program offers robust educational opportunities and engaging activities that allow students to learn throughout the summer while also having fun. Our comprehensive program addresses academic, social, and emotional learning by incorporating instruction, enrichment activities, and family support elements.
    • Literacy: Improves students’ skills across the Big 5-phonics, phonological awareness, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary
    • Math: Helps struggling learners build confidence and improve their math skills
    • STEM: Engages students in fun, project-based learning to expand critical thinking skills
    • Life Skills: Fosters growth-mindset and helps students communicate effectively
    • As of 23 April: K5/ 1st Wait List, 2nd/3rd Wait List, 4th/5th 2 spots available, MS 7 spots available
    • Register here.
  • Attention elementary school parents: Prince of Peace is once again offering our popular Summer Choral Theatre, 4-10 June. Participants will join with others from our parish and school in learning and performing a faith-building, fully costumed musical drama. Each day is an all-inclusive activity that will include snacks, social activities, and even outdoor time, in addition to the rehearsals of singing, staging, and basic choreography. Your child won’t want to miss this exciting week! There are only 40 spots available, so make sure to register your child for this opportunity to enjoy a week of fun, singing, acting, and games!
    • Program Fee- $85 for one child, $150 for two children, $200 family maximum (includes instruction, t-shirt, themed snacks, and materials)
    • Registration is open exclusively to Prince of Peace families through 10 April. Registration will open to all others beginning 11 April. All registrations are due no later than 10 May.
    • Registration form
    • Contact Eranga Goonetilleke
  • Prince of Peace VBS 2023 will be 16-21 July 2023. We are currently on the waitlist for Totus Tuus, so please continue to pray that the Diocese of Charlotte will be able to staff three missionary teams. Registration forms are only available by contacting
    • All 90 spots for the elementary program (entering 1st-6th) have been claimed, however please continue to register to be added to our waitlist. If we cannot get a team from Charlotte we will be putting VBS on in-house and will be able to open registration for more elementary children.
    • Our youth program for entering 7th-12th graders is accepting registration forms now and has unlimited spots available. Please register your child(ren) by 26 May so your child receives the correct size tshirt.
Summer Camps 2022!

Summer Camps 2022!

  • Prince of Peace is thrilled to once again offer a Summer Academic and Enrichment Camp for rising K5 through 8th grade students!  This camp experience will target math and literacy skills and prepare students for a successful start next Fall. The academic program is driven from Achieve Literacy and Mathematics, as well as curricula from Prince of Peace. The enrichment programing is STEM Robotics driven from the Engineering Design Process. Ultimately, the experience would balance academic enrichment and learning with fun and engaging activities.
    • Dates:  27 June through 28 July (we have built in a “break” in the camp from 12-19 July to allow families to participate in Totus Tuus Vacation Bible School):
      • Sessions (students participate in all weeks): Week 1: 27-30 June; Week 2: 5-7 July; Week 3: 18-21 July; Week 4: 25-28 July
      • Hours: 9a-12p daily (1 hour Mathematics; 1 hour Literacy; 1 hour Enrichment-STEM Robotics)
      • Cost: As a result of the EANS (Emergency Assistance for Non-Public Schools) funding, we are able to offer the camp free of charge. The only cost for the camp is a $20 fee for a POPCS Summer Camp tee shirt.
      • Enrollment:  Enrollment is open exclusively to POPCS families until 15 April. On 16 April, it is open to interested parish families! Space is limited to 10 students per class. The classes are for rising grades: K5 and 1st together, 2nd and 3rd together, 4th and 5th together, and Middle School.
      • Contact Tammy Lopez at
  • All are welcome to Summer Art Camp with Marilyn Alber.  A great way to start your summer and get creative. Registration deadline is Friday, May 27th. Registration forms are available at the school office or email Marilyn Alber at
    • Two weeks to choose from [6/13- 6/17] or [6/20 – 6/24] for students entering 1st – 8th.  (Limit 8-10 students)
    • Classes are held for 2 hours a day Monday through Friday. (Students 1st-3rd (10:00-12:00)) (Students 4th-8th (1:00-3:00)).
    • Fees for one week session is $160 (Materials provided).
    • Classes will be held in the Walsingham Building – Art Room.
  • Our wildly successful Vacation Bible School, Totus Tuus, will be returning 10-15 July 2022!  Mark your calendars now for all entering 1st-12th graders (evening program for 7-12th graders). We have ONLY 90 slots for our elementary program. Please contact Maria Barontini with questions!
    • Host! Let Maria Barontini know if you are interested in hosting the Totus Tuus team. Two families needed (2 males or 2 females).
    • Meals! 4 dinner hosts are needed for the Totus Tuus team. Host in your home, at a restaurant or with delivery! 4 team hungry team members will be grateful.
    • The elementary program is waitlist only.
  • Attention elementary and middle school parents: Prince of Peace is once again offering our popular Summer Choral Theatre, June 12-18. Participants will join with others from our parish and school in learning and performing a faith-building, fully costumed musical drama. Each day is an all-inclusive activity that will include snacks, social activities, and even outdoor time, in addition to the rehearsals of singing, staging, and basic choreography. Your child won’t want to miss this exciting week! There are only 40 spots available for each session, so make sure to register your child for this opportunity to enjoy a week of fun, singing, acting, and games!
    • Program Fee- $85 for one child, $150 for two children, $200 family maximum (includes instruction, t-shirt, themed snacks, and materials)
    • Registration is open exclusively to Prince of Peace families through March 31. Registration will open to all others beginning April 1. All registrations are due no later than May 10.
    • See flyer.
    • Contact Eranga Goonetilleke
  • Dribble for Destiny Summer Basketball Camp is 5-8 July from 9a-12n for ages 8-13 boys and girls. Fee: $119 includes free t-shirt and ball; 2 ball dribbling, passing, shooting, ball handling, video, daily contests, and daily devotions. THIS IS A 4 DAY CAMP THAT BEGINS ON A TUESDAY. MAXIMUM 50 ATHLETES. SIGN UP AND PAY NOW TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT. See registration form.
  • Archery Camp is open to rising 4th-9th graders (parish & school). Camp is 27 June-1 July from 9a-11.30a. The cost is $90 for the 1st child, $80 for the 2nd child, and $70 for the 3rd+ child. Snacks are provided during camp. Registration packets are available in the parish office. Questions? Contact Coach Moreau