by Communications Director | May 1, 2018 | Events
June 10, 2018
- 11:00 AM Holy Mass concelebrated by Fr. Jeffrey Kirby, STD, and Fr. Larry Kutz,
homilist, Priest of the Prelature of Opus Dei
- Blessing of St. Josemaria statue
- 12:00 PM Light lunch for Conference attendees
- 1:00 Presentation: John Coverdale, St. Josemaria: “Saint of Ordinary Life”
- 1:45 Q & A
- 2:00 Video: Meeting St. Josemaria
- 2:30 Break
- 2:40 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
- Private prayer
- Confessions available
- 3:15 Closing Meditation: Fr. Jeffrey F. Kirby
- Benediction
- 3:45 Veneration of St. Josemaria Relic
- 4:00 End
There is something holy, something divine hidden in the most ordinary situations and it is up to each one of you to discover it. We discover the invisible God in the most visible and material things. There is NO other way. Either we learn to find our Lord in ordinary, everyday life, or else we shall never find him. St. Josemaria Escriva, Passionately Loving the World
Heads up! Very limited parking in the church lot, and no overflow area, except bordering the highway. If you plan to attend the opening Mass, it is best to arrive by not later than 10:30. Address of Our Lady of Grace Church: 7095 Waxhaw Highway, Lancaster, SC. Directions are accessible on website:
by Communications Director | Mar 15, 2018 | Events
Celebrating the Paschal Mystery: Holy Week in the Roman Liturgy
Join Fr. Smith for a 4-week lecture series that will best prepare you to enter Holy Week – in Croghan Hall on Thursdays at 7p in March. The weekly topics include 1 March on Palm Sunday, 8 March on Maundy Thursday, 15 March on Good Friday and 22 March on the Paschal Vigil.
This week’s topic is Good Friday (15 March at 7p in Croghan Hall)! All are encouraged to attend in person. Where attending in person is not possible, join us on Facebook Live! Here is the slide deck! Expect to learn about:
- The Name of the Day and the Name of the Chief Liturgy of the Day
- Theological Considerations About the Day
- Historical Development of Good Friday’s Mass of the Presanctified
- Vestments and Color Schemes, Time
- Extraliturgical Devotions on Good Friday
- Mass of the Catechumens or Liturgy of the Word
- General Intercessions
- Adoration of the Cross
- Liturgy of the Presanctified, Properly Speaking
- The Easter Sepulchre
- Some Observations About the Theological Import of the Reforms of Good Friday
The class Syllabus is posted on our website and recommended reading is included within it.
by Communications Director | Mar 14, 2018 | Events, School
This Summer 2018, Prince of Peace has the following available summer programs for your children to attend:
- Art Camp with Mrs. Alber is 11-15 June or 18-22 June. For rising 1st-3rd grade, sessions are 10-12p. For rising 4th-8th grade, sessions are 1p-3p. Registration forms are available at the school.
- Summer Choral Theatre Camp is 16-23 June for rising 1st-8th graders. The cost is $85 per child, $200 family maximum. Deadline for registration is 11 May. Contact Kelly Herd with questions at
- Archery Camp is 25-29 June from 9a-11.30a. The costs is $80 to learn the basics of archery shot, hunting safety and the discipline to become a good shooter. Snacks (fruit and granola/fruit/breakfast bar) will be served each day with a water or sports drink. Contact Bobby Moreau at
- Dribble for Destiny Basketball Camp is 9-12 July from 9a-12p for ages 6-13 boys and girls. Fee: $95 includes free t-shirt or ball; 2 ball dribbling, passing, shooting, ball handling, daily contests, video and daily devotions. For more information, 864-525-1433 or Registration Form.
- Our wildly successful Vacation Bible School, Totus Tuus, will be returning again this Summer 23-28 July for all entering 1st-12th graders (evening program for 7-12th graders starts 22 July). We have 180 slots in our elementary program. Sign up by emailing Maria Barontini at
by Communications Director | Mar 8, 2018 | Events
Tonight (8 March) is week 2 of our four-week lecture series by Fr. Christopher Smith, STD on Celebrating the Paschal Mystery: Holy Week in the Roman Liturgy. The topic is Maundy Thursday and begins at 7p in Croghan Hall. For those unable to attend, the session with be broadcast LIVE on Facebook ( And, users should reference these slides while viewing. At a later point, audio files will be made available.
Expect to learn about:
3.1 Tenebrae
3.2 The Reconciliation of the Penitents
3.3 The Chrism Mass
3.4 The Mass of the Lord’s Supper
3.5 The Mandatum
3.6 The Procession to the Sepulchre
3.7 The Stripping and Purification of the Altars
3.8 Spiritual Considerations
by Communications Director | Mar 7, 2018 | Events, Parish Life
The menu is set for our Knight’s of Columbus 9184 Friday Knight Dinner! Join us on Friday, 9 March from 5:30-6:45p in the PAC. Afterward, we’ll pray Stations of the Cross at 7p in the Church. Proceeds help with the purchase of Bibles for the 2018-19 Confirmation Class!
Adult meal costs $8* Seniors over 65 are $6 Children under 12 cost $6* Children under 4-Free Max $30 for Immediate Family
- Fried fish
- Baked fish fillet without breading
- Pasta with marinara sauce
- Coleslaw
- French fries
- Hush puppies
by Communications Director | Feb 23, 2018 | Events, School, The Latest
Summer Choral Theatre Camp is 16 June 16 and 18-23 June for rising 1st-8th grade students! Participants will learn and perform a faith-building, fully-costumed musical drama. Each half-day session (mornings grades 1-4, afternoons grades 5-8) is an all-inclusive activity that will include themed snacks, social activities, and outdoor time in addition to the rehearsals of singing, staging, and basic choreography. Your child won’t want to miss this exciting week!
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