Theology of the Body

Theology of the Body

What does it mean to be a human person created in the image and likeness of God?  What is God’s plan for human love and relationships?

Angela Calabro will be teaching a 9 week course on St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body beginning Wednesday, 11 January, at 7p in the Middle School Building.  The books used for this course will be Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body by St. John Paul II and Men and Women are from Eden by Dr. Mary Healy.  Both of these books can be found on Amazon.

For more information contact Angela at or 331-3903.

Diaper Drive

Diaper Drive

During the month of January, both our parish and our school will be having a Diaper Drive benefiting Birthright of Greenville. When a baby is born, every mother is given a “Baby Bundle” with baby diapers (newborn), baby lotions, baby wipes, and baby wash. As you can imagine, they go through these items fairly quickly. We will be collecting these items in the narthex and the church office. This is a wonderful opportunity for you and your family to participate in a pro-life activity to mark the anniversary of Roe vs Wade and the annual March for Life in DC.

Pray the Angelus this Advent!

Pray the Angelus this Advent!

In the narthex you will find holy cards with the prayer of the Angelus and the Regina Coeli. It is customary for Catholics at morning, noon and night to commemorate the Incarnation of the Son of God with the Angelus during the year and the Regina Coeli during Paschaltide. We encourage you to take some of these cards home to commit to memory, or to put in a prayerbook.  You can even download an app on the phone called Angelus with bells to remind you to pray this important prayer. This is our communal Advent project this year!