by admin | Oct 27, 2016 | Christian Formation, Events, Liturgy, Music, Parish Life, The Latest
7p Requiem Mass
All Souls Day’s evening Mass will feature a choral setting of the Requiem Mass, OffÃcium Defunctórum à 6, by the Spanish composer, Tomás Luis de Victoria (c. 1548—1611). Born in the province of Avila and later a choirboy in the Avila Cathedral, Victoria became an accomplished organist and singer early in life. He likely studied with Palestrina while a student at the Pontifical Roman Seminary. Victoria was ordained a priest in 1574 and he is regarded as one of the finest composers of sacred music in the late Renaissance, a genre to which he devoted himself exclusively.
Officium Defunctorum is one of the better-known masterpieces of this golden era of polyphony and sets itself apart from much of the repertoire of the era with its smooth, velvety texture. Fragments of the Gregorian melodies of the Requiem appear in the soprano line of every movement and the six-voice texture is only broken three times throughout the work, adding to the overall spaciousness of its aggregate sonority.
by admin | Oct 26, 2016 | Christian Formation, Events, Liturgy, Music, Parish Life, The Latest
Mass for Four Voices – Willia
m Byrd
30 October 2016
12n Extraordinary Form Mass
Collegium Musicum
Prince of Peace welcomes Collegium Musicum, a chamber ensemble specializing in music of the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods from the University of Georgia Hugh Hodgson School of Music. In addition to their performance of the Byrd Mass, the choir will also sing the masterful motet by Tomás Luis de Victoria, O Quam Gloriosum, conducted by Philip Reed. This choir’s exceptional personnel and historically informed performance practice will offer a rare treat for our parish’s musical and liturgical life!
Collegium Musicum’s appearance at Prince of Peace will be one of only two in the Upstate this fall. Don’t miss this exceptional choir singing the repertoire they do best in the setting for which it was conceived.
Our Schola Cantorum will sing the Gregorian Propers of the Mass.
J.D. Burnett, Director of Collegium Musicum, enjoys a varied career as a conductor, singer and teacher. He is Assistant Professor of Music and Associate Director of Choral Activities at the University of Georgia Hugh Hodgson School of Music, where he conducts the Men’s and Women’s Glee Clubs and the Collegium Musicum, and teaches courses in choral literature and conducting. Additionally, he is Artistic Director and Conductor of the Kinnara Ensemble, a professional chamber choir based in Princeton, New Jersey.
Composed during the Protestant reign of Elizabeth I between 1592-1595, William Byrd’s cycle of three masses (for 4, 3, and 5 voices, respectively) was a work of considerable political and legal risk. These highly sensitive documents were published as small, concealable folios and distributed for use behind closed doors in the recusant Catholic households of Elizabethan England.
The Mass for Four Voices, composed first of the set, blends English musical tradition with contemporary Continental style.
by admin | Sep 8, 2016 | Adult Education, Christian Formation, Events, Liturgy, Music, Parish Life, The Latest
How is God calling you to serve His Church? Come and see all the wonderful opportunities we have here at Prince of Peace. Each ministry will have representatives available to discuss how they serve our community. You can pick up your Prince of Peace T-shirt and sign up for Church Directory portraits. There will also be a raffle, coffee, donuts, and games for kids.
Join us this Sunday, 11 September, after the 8a and 10a Masses for our annual Ministry Fair!
by admin | May 17, 2016 | Christian Formation, Events, Liturgy, Music, Parish Life, The Latest
Summer Choral Theatre 2016
Prince of Peace Catholic Church and School
Monday, June 13 – Friday, June 17, 2016
Performances Saturday, June 18, 2016 at 11:00
Attention elementary and middle school parents! Last year’s inaugural Summer Choral Theatre was a rousing success by any measure, so make sure to get your child registered for the opportunity to enjoy a week of fun, singing, acting, and games! Each participant will join with others from our parish and school in learning and performing a faith-building musical drama. Each half-day session is an all-inclusive activity that will include themed snacks, social activities and even outdoor time in addition to the rehearsals of singing, staging, and basic choreography. Both performances will be Saturday, June 18, at 11:00, and will conclude the week. Family and friends are welcome to come and enjoy the performances!
Francis: The Poor Little Man of God (rising) Grades 1-4 – Monday, June 13 thru Friday, June 17 – 9:30-12:00
This charming retelling of St. Francis of Assisi is a heartwarming performance to watch. It depicts Francis’ love of God’s creation and gives the young performers a model of how to always be thankful for everything in our lives, down to the smallest bird in the sky. Our younger participants will engage in a fully staged production that includes enchanting animal costumes!
The HitThe Rock Slinger and His Greatest Hit (rising) Grades 5-8 – Monday, June 13 thru Friday, June 17 – 1:30-4:30
The story of David and Goliath, a brave tale of courage and trust in God, makes a powerful impact in this musical production. The formidable combination of Allen Pote’s dramatic music and Tom Long’s lively dialogue makes for an exciting and enjoyable production for all ages. With a stage overrun with sentries, kings, commanders, spears, flying rocks, shepherds, and even a giant, your child won’t want to miss this hit of a musical!
Program Fee – $85 for one child, $150 for two children, $200 family maximum (includes instruction, t-shirt, themed snacks, and materials)
Registration opens March 7 exclusively to Prince of Peace families through April 1.
Registration will open to all others beginning April 2.
All registrations are due no later than MAY 19
Click here to download the registration form
by admin | May 12, 2016 | Events, Liturgy, Music, Parish Life, The Latest
An Evening of Choral Music
Presented by
The St. Joseph’s Singers
Kelly Herd, pianist
Elizabeth Eger, organist
Mary Lewis, conductor
Prince of Peace Catholic Church
17 May 2016
Come enjoy this excellent high school choir from St. Joseph’s Catholic School.
The program includes a big variety of musical selections and will be enjoyed by children as well as adults.
by admin | Apr 28, 2016 | Christian Formation, Events, Liturgy, Music, Parish Life, The Latest
In honor of the Feast of the Ascension, the St. Catherine Choir will be singing a portion of the Mass in C by Sigismund von Neukomm at the 12n Mass on Thursday, 5 May and at the 10a and 12n Masses on Sunday, 8 May. There are 28 students in the choir, and they will be singing the Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Benedictus, and Agnus Dei.
An Austrian born composer, organist and conductor, Sigismund von Neukomm (1778-1858) studied keyboard under brother composers Johann Michael and Franz Joseph Haydn. At age fourteen, Neukomm became the honorary organist at the University of Salzburg church, and a few years later also became the chorus master of the Salzburg court theatre. He moved to Vienna in 1797 and taught piano and voice lessons for several years, including teaching two of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s children. In 1804 Neukomm left Vienna and traveled extensively for the rest of his musical career, living in cities throughout all of Europe, Russia, as well as several countries in Africa and South America. He continued to compose numerous works, and befriended many notable composers, including Felix Mendelssohn and Robert Schumann.
Neukomm was a prolific composer, writing over 200 songs, ten operas, 8 oratorios, and 48 masses. He penned his Mass in C while traveling and performing the music of Haydn and Mozart in Brazil, and is thought to have composed it for the Archduchess of Austria, Leopoldine, the daughter of Emperor Franz I. Written for 2 voices, it is one of his many shorter masses composed in the style of the classical period, with momentary leanings towards the romantic era.
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