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Now you can support Prince of Peace through AmazonSmile! Just follow the link below…
POPCS and The Office of Family Life invite you to join us for the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. Enjoy some delicious pancakes before entering into Lent! We will have pancake races and Mardis Gras festivities! Be sure to wear your purple, gold, and green! RSVP via the Signup Genius
6.30p in the PAC
$2 per person/ $10 per family max
Be sure to check out the summer activities that we have planned here at POP this year!
Summer Choral Theater
Summer Choral Theater Description
Summer Choral Theater Registration Form
Sunday, June 11, 3:00-5:30
Monday, June 12 – Friday, June 16
Performances Saturday, June 17, at 11:00
Attention elementary and middle school parents: Prince of Peace is once again offering our popular Summer Choral Theatre, June 11-17. Participants will join with others from our parish and school in learning and performing a faith-building, fully-costumed musical drama. Each half-day session (mornings grades 1-4, afternoons grades 5-8) is an all-inclusive activity that will include themed snacks, social activities, and even outdoor time, in addition to the rehearsals of singing, staging, and basic choreography. Your child won’t want to miss this exciting week! There are only 40 spots available for each session, so make sure to register your child for this opportunity to enjoy a week of fun, singing, acting, and games!
Elijah! : God’s Faithful Prophet – (rising) Grades 1-4- Monday, June 12 thru Friday, June 16 – 9:30-12:00
The story of Elijah is one of faithful obedience that sparks an earthly miracle. Mark Patterson’s lively songs and comic dialogue promise to make this enjoyable for all involved! Our young participants will excitedly retell the dramatic story of Mount Carmel as all the prophets, both genuine and phony, prayed to have their altar ignited in flames by the power of their God.
Esther – (rising) Grades 5-8- Monday, June 12 thru Friday, June 16 – 2:00 -5:00
Travel to the far off land of Susa, where the story of Esther’s courage comes to life! Packed with royalty, secret plots, imaginary camels, and evil assistants, this energetic production will be entertaining for all! Eric Whitehill’s musical score brings the story to life as he uses a variety of musical styles throughout this captivating drama.
Program Fee- $85 for one child, $150 for two children, $200 family maximum (includes instruction, t-shirt, themed snacks, and materials)
Registration is open exclusively to Prince of Peace families through March 31.
Registration will open to all others beginning April 1.
All registrations are due no later than May 10
Totus Tuus
Totus Tuus Registration Form (one form per family)
Totus Tuus Waiver Form (one form per child)
Vacation Bible School will be July 23-28th. We are bringing in Totus Tuus from the diocese of Charlotte. Totus Tuus means “totally Yours” and was St. John Paul II’s apostolic motto. Totus Tuus is a summer program that is dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic Faith to children and youth through evangelization, catechesis, Christian witness, and Eucharistic worship. There are only 90 spots for this exciting program so make sure your register early!
$20 per child/ $40 max per family
Congratulations to the Prince of Peace Girls Midget C Basketball Team for winning the 2017 Championship!
Questions? Contact John at
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