A Family of Saints: The Martins of Lisieux

A Family of Saints: The Martins of Lisieux

Fr Smith’s suggested Advent reading for 2016 is Stephane Piat’s A Family of Saints: The Martins of Lisieux.  Many people are familiar with the story of St Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower, a young Carmelite nun who died at very young age and is a Doctor of the Church for her spirituality of the “little way.”  What many people do not know about is the story of her entire family.  Her parents, Louis and Zelie Martin, were canonized this year by Pope Francis.  Learn about this incredible family that pursued holiness amidst financial chaos, frequent illness, dementia, and a family of strong personalities.  The Martin family is the proof that ordinary families living in the world can produce tremendous saints.

This book is available at St. Benedict’s Catholic Store in Greer or on their website at https://realcatholicstuff.com/products/a-family-of-saints-the-martins-of-lisieux

All Souls Day Requiem Mass

All Souls Day Requiem Mass



7p Requiem Mass

All Souls Day’s evening Mass will feature a choral setting of the Requiem Mass, Offícium Defunctórum à 6, by the Spanish composer, Tomás Luis de Victoria (c. 1548—1611). Born in the province of Avila and later a choirboy in the Avila Cathedral, Victoria became an accomplished organist and singer early in life. He likely studied with Palestrina while a student at the Pontifical Roman Seminary. Victoria was ordained a priest in 1574 and he is regarded as one of the finest composers of sacred music in the late Renaissance, a genre to which he devoted himself exclusively.

Officium Defunctorum is one of the better-known masterpieces of this golden era of polyphony and sets itself apart from much of the repertoire of the era with its smooth, velvety texture. Fragments of the Gregorian melodies of the Requiem appear in the soprano line of every movement and the six-voice texture is only broken three times throughout the work, adding to the overall spaciousness of its aggregate sonority.


A Comparison of the 2016 Republican and Democratic Party Platforms: A Non-Partisan Guide on Issues of Concern to the Electorate

A Comparison of the 2016 Republican and Democratic Party Platforms: A Non-Partisan Guide on Issues of Concern to the Electorate

Priests for Life have released a new bi-partisan comparison of the two major parties, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party.  Click on the link below to see this helpful document as you make your voting decisions.

A Comparison of the 2016 Republican and Democratic Party Platforms: A Non-Partisan Guide on Issues of Concern to the Electorate