Join us in praying the Novena to Our Lady of Fatima, 5-13 May

Join us in praying the Novena to Our Lady of Fatima, 5-13 May

Pope Francis makes the sign of the cross as he prays in front of the original statue of Our Lady of Fatima during a Marian vigil in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican Oct. 12. The statue was brought from Portugal for a weekend of Marian events culminating in Pope Francis consecrating the world to Mary. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) (Oct. 14, 2013)

Join us in praying the novena (9 consecutive days)to Our Lady of Fatima from 5-13 May by saying:
Most Holy Virgin, who has deigned to come to Fatima to reveal to the three little shepherds the treasures of graces hidden in the recitation of the Rosary, inspire our hearts with sincere love of this devotion.
By meditation on the mysteries of our redemption that are recalled in your Rosary, may we gather the fruits contained therein and obtain the conversion of sinners, the conversion of Russia, the Peace of Christ for the world, and this favor that I so earnestly seek of you in this novena.
[here mention your request]
I ask this of you, for the greater glory of God, for your own honor and for the good of all people. Amen.
Say the Our Father (3 times)
Hail Mary (3 times)
Glory Be (3 times)

The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in 1917 to three Portuguese children: Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta. From May 13th to October 13th she appeared six times in the little village of Fatima, Portugal.

World War I was ongoing and left devastation across Europe. Our Lady of Fatima came at this pivotal time telling the children that peace was possible if people would heed her warnings.
Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta were reared in faithful Catholic homes, in a town that remained faithful to the Church amidst persecution from the government. Lucia de Jesus Santos was the youngest of seven children. Her first cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, likewise were devout children from a large family. Through the apparitions of our Lady, the children grew in holiness and wisdom that belied their young age.

Francisco and Jacinta both died a few years later, as our Lady had informed them, while Lucia lived to be 97 years old. Pope Francis will canonize Jacinta and Francisco on May 13th, 2017, in Fatima on the 100th anniversary of the apparitions.

The Miracle of the Sun occurred on October 13th, 1917, witnessed by 70,000 people. Our Lady of Fatima had told the children of the date and place it would occur. All could look directly at the sun without any injury to their eyes. The sun grew in size, shrunk, rotated and spun, looking as if it were dancing. Even non-Catholics and unbelievers witnessed their miracles, and many immediately were converted to God and asked for forgiveness for their sins.

The Church through the local bishop declared the apparitions worthy of belief in October of 1930.

Obituary for the Mother of Fr. Tomlinson

Obituary for the Mother of Fr. Tomlinson

An online guest book where you can post your comments and condolences for Fr. Tomlinson is available here. He is not on social media.

Janet Ellis deGrouchy, nee Janet Lee Ellis, age 92, of Princeton, NJ passed away on April 22 of natural causes.

Janet was born in Trenton NJ eldest child of William John Ellis and Blanche Marie Law. She was raised on the grounds of Trenton State Hospital as her father was Commissioner of Institutions and Agencies in NJ. She graduated from George School in 1942, attended William Smith College, Ursinus College and graduated from Trenton State Teacher’s College in 1946, lettering in field hockey, basketball and tennis. After graduation she taught physical education in the Chevy Chase, Maryland school system and later was active in teaching tennis and in the foundation of the Princeton community tennis program. She was a ranked tennis player and longstanding member of Pretty Brook Tennis Club. She also was a life master bridge player. She belonged to the Colonial Dames, The Present Day Club and Springdale Golf Club. She was an extremely generous and beloved friend and a devoted dog lover.

Janet is survived by her husband Jack deGrouchy, her children Richard, David, Elizabeth and Andrew Tomlinson, Lisa Kincannon, Jan Hraska, Suzy deGrouchy, her  grandchildren Sasha Pantel, Coleman and Sophia Bartels, Emily, Sam, Will, Drew, Chloe and Trevor Tomlinson, Zoe Hraska, Tommy and Georgeann Siller., and great grandson Jacob Carl Pantel. She was preceded in death by her first husband William Barrington Tomlinson, her sister Mary Ellen Doll, brother John Ellis and son John Jay Tomlinson as well as many generations of dogs of all shapes and sizes.

A Memorial Service will be held Saturday June 3 at 10:30 am at the 1867 Sanctuary at Ewing, 101 Scotch Road, Ewing Township NJ 08628.

In lieu of flowers donations may be made to SAVE Princeton Animal Rescue, 1010 Route 601, Skillman, NJ 08558.