by popadmin | Oct 29, 2024 | Bulletin
Click to read this week’s bulletin: 3 November 2024 Bulletin
by popadmin | Oct 23, 2024 | Bulletin
Click to read this week’s bulletin: 27 October 2024 Bulletin
by popadmin | Oct 20, 2024 | The Latest
All Saints Day—Friday, 1 November
- All Saints’ Day is when the Church commemorates all saints, known and unknown. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. A great prayer on this day is the Litany of the Saints: available in English and Latin
- Our Mass schedule is: 7a Quiet Mass • 8.30a Sung Mass • 12p Latin Mass • 7p English Sung Mass
- Procession of the saints will be 1 November at 7p. Children must arrive by 6.40p. Children are asked to dress up as saints or bring a picture of their favorite saint. and process into Church! They may leave before Mass, if necessary.
All Souls’ Day—Saturday, 2 November
- Each year during the month of November we especially commemorate the memory of our loved ones who have gone before us to their eternal rest. We invite you to attend a Mass to be held on Saturday, 2 November 2023. All are welcome to join us in this celebration of Christ’s victory over sin and death and the hope of eternal life. Masses are as follows: 8a Latin Mass • 9a English Mass • 10a Latin Mass
- Deceased names of members of our parish will be read before the XX Mass
- We place a candle on the altar of St Joseph in honor of each parishioner who has died from in the past year. You may pick up the candle of your family member from the parish office 1 Dec-1 Jan.
- We will have a vase of white roses for all miscarried babies and a single red rose for all aborted babies.
- The All Souls Novena is in the “How to Help Send Souls to Heaven“ packet available in the Narthex and was inserted into 20 October bulletins.
- We will have a Board of Remembrance at the St Joseph Altar, which will be set up as a Requiem Altar for the month of November. You may bring copies of photos of your loved ones to pin to the board. At the end of the month of November, the board will be taken down and the pictures will be collected and stored in the Parish Office.
- Please contact Maria Rauch with the name of your loved ones who died since All Souls Day 2023 (November 2023), so they can be read aloud before the XX Mass on Saturday, 2 November. If the funeral was at POP, you need not call.
- All registered active households receive 2 envelopes for All Soul’s Day in the September/October packet. One is for the offertory on All Soul’s Day and the other is to write on the front the names of your beloved deceased. Please complete and drop the envelope in any collection during the month of October so that those names will be placed on the altar of remembrance.
- A plenary indulgence for souls in purgatory: A plenary indulgence wipes away the temporal punishment due to sin, (in other words you can potentially help speed their way through purgatory into heaven) may be gained for a soul in purgatory by doing the following: 1) go to confession within 10 days of the act; 2) go to communion on the day of the act (better in the context of the Mass but not necessary); 3) pray for the intentions of the Pope on the day of the act (normally an Our Father, Hail Mary and Apostles Creed (many use the Glory Be instead of the Creed); 4) have a detachment to sin, even venial sin (in other words trying hard not to commit a recurring sin); 5) visit a cemetery and pray for the departed – this is the act. Each day you repeat this between Nov 1-9 can potentially help send a soul to heaven. It can only be applied to one soul each day it is done. You have the potential to help send 9 souls to heaven.
One sacramental Confession suffices for all the plenary indulgences done within 10 days, but a separate Holy Communion and a separate prayer for the Holy Father’s intentions and a separate visit to a cemetery are required for each plenary indulgence. Only one can be granted per day – make your deceased loved ones the happiest people in purgatory as they leave for heaven. Should they already be in heaven the indulgence will be applied to another as it will if they are in the other place where the indulgence cannot be used.
by popadmin | Oct 20, 2024 | Bulletin
Click to read this week’s parish bulletin: 20 October 2024 Bulletin
by popadmin | Oct 8, 2024 | Bulletin
Click to read this week’s bulletin: 13 October 2024 Bulletin
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