Parish & School Phones hit by lightning

Parish & School Phones hit by lightning

Our phones lines at both our parish and school were struck by lightning and are not working. Please message us on Facebook or email these accounts while we come up with a solution:
Gather from Home, a virtual event

Gather from Home, a virtual event

Gather from Home is good news, conversation, prayer, and togetherness. On Thursday, 6 August at 7.30p we invite all parishioners, but especially those who are unable to attend Mass due to COVID-19, to pray together and socialize. We encourage anyone with good news to bring it to share with all. Deacon Gus will lead an informal group chat for sharing what’s on your mind and discussing how our parish can continue to serve you during this extraordinary time. We look forward to seeing lots of faces that we have missed over the past few months!

You may dial in by phone OR join with camera and/or audio on your phone or computer:

Join Zoom Meeting (click)

Meeting ID: 898 8703 3928
Passcode: 235027

One tap mobile

Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099