Financially Supporting Your Parish
Just like you, our parish & school expenses continue despite our local shutdown. Your generosity in financially supporting your parish is greatly appreciated! Here’s how to do so during this time of suspended public Mass:
- drop off your offertory in our mailbox: at the doors to Parish House (formerly Croghan Hall) that face the school is a mailbox with an outer door and an inner safe drop door for envelopes (how to video)
- mail it to us:Â 1209 Brushy Creek Rd, Taylors South Carolina 29687
- bring your gift to Mass and drop it into the offertory basket
- donate online in our NEW tithe.ly system – setup EFT, one-time donation or recurring donation. Manage your giving with ease by downloading the tithe.ly app to your phone. If you’re already setup with giving, no need to change anything! If you’re already using tithe.ly, make sure you select the intended Church for your giving. Questions? Message us.
If you normally give via WeShare, you can stick with it or switch! The parish incurs lower fees with Tithe.ly. Here’s the WeShare link for managing your account.

Campus Update due to Novel Coronavirus
Keep watch on this post for any/all updates related to our parish and school and the Covid-19 pandemic.
Update 24 March 2020 –
Bishop Guglielmone’s Letter on Holy Week Mass
From the Parish School: In Person Learning Closed at Parish School thru 30 April
Based on recommendations from public health, state, and local leadership that support the safety of individuals in our communities, the Catholic Schools Office has decided to extend the suspension of in-person classes at our school and all Catholic schools in the Diocese of Charleston through April 30. We will, however, observe Spring Break as was planned in our school calendar (close 12n on 9 April; re-open 20 April). Â This will give both you and your child(ren) a break from the demands of online learning and allow you some family time free from lessons and homework
Our teachers and staff have worked tirelessly to partner with you in ensuring the learning and growth of every child, and this effort will continue as we all work together in providing an excellent Catholic education to our students. Please know the Catholic Schools Office continues to support us and remains fully committed to strengthening school communities possible and upholding the enduring mission of formation of the whole child.
If you have any questions or need assistance with our distance learning model, feel free to email me (principal@popcatholicschool.org) to schedule a time for a phone call.
Our faculty, staff and administrators will continue to pray for you and for your children during these challenging days. We ask that you keep us and our entire school community in your prayers.
Steve Cunningham, Principal
Update 16 March 2020 at 5.45p
Bishop Guglielmone and the College of Consultors just met to review our duties in this time of public health emergency, and based on that conversation, the Bishop’s decision is as follows:Effective through the end of Wednesday 1 April 2020, no sacramental or other liturgical celebrations are to take place anywhere in the Diocese of Charleston. This means that all Masses and scheduled Confessions are to be canceled. Any baptisms scheduled in the next sixteen days should be rescheduled. All quinceaneras must be canceled or rescheduled. All funerals and weddings are to be celebrated privately with just the immediate family present. Perpetual adoration is to be stopped. All regularly scheduled parish activities should stop until further notice. All scheduled penance services must be canceled, and there are to be no Communion calls at hospitals, nursing homes, or private homes until further notice.The sole exception to this policy is the celebration of the final sacraments for those in danger of death.Parish churches should remain open during normal hours (9a-4p M-Th, 9a-1p F) so that people can come to pray. Prince of Peace Catholic Church will broadcast a Mass at noon daily. Details will follow.Bishop Guglielmone and the College of Consultors will meet again in two weeks on Monday 30 March to review the situation and make a determination then about what comes next.
Update 15 March 2020 at 6.30p
- Prince of Peace Catholic School will be shutting down campus operations effective immediately, and going through 31 March. This is in keeping with the expectations set forth by the Governor of South Carolina and the Diocese of Charleston. Learn more here.
- The parish & school offices are closed to the public through 31 March. Parish staff will be available by email.
- Mass & Confessions are happening on our regular schedule. Compline on 22 & 29 March & Stations of the Cross on 20 & 27 March are cancelled.
- FHC/Confirmation Confession is postponed (originally scheduled 26 March). Maria Barontini will follow up with a new schedule for confessions for School children during the School day in April, and RE children at another time.
Adoration Chapel ends Solemn Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at 8p tonight, 15 March, after Compline, until further notice. The Chapel will remain open, and we ask that those who can still come at their hour.
There will be no RE, sports activities, meetings, or Adult Religious Education sessions in any building on campus from 16-31 March.
RCIA will meet. Check with Angela Calabro!
Appointments with Fr Smith will be rescheduled for the week of 1 April or after Easter. Check with Maria Rauch.
Baptisms will still take place as scheduled.
Call the emergency line (866.456-2956) for a medical emergency that necessitates a priest.
Contact Alan Reed for the choir schedule.
The church will be open daily.
- Give online, rather than with cash/checks. Set it up here!
Update 15 March 2020 at 3.30p
- CYO is cancelled for 15 & 22 March (contact John & Stephanie Lasitter with questions)
Update 13 March 2020 at 8.28p
- Confirmation Retreat on Saturday, 14 March is postponed (no new date announced, yet). Questions? Contact Maria Barontini.
- Religious Education classes are cancelled on Sunday, 15 March (previously cancelled for other reasons on 22 March)
Update on 13 March 2020 at 2:58p
- At all Masses this weekend, we’ll pray the Prayers in the time of Pestilence. We’re printing copies for everyone to follow along.
- On pg 8 in our bulletin is a cross you may cut out and place over your threshold approved in 1575 by the fathers of the Council of Trent as protection against the plague
- If you are concerned about receiving Communion on the tongue, please consider making a Spiritual Communion instead.Â
- Please make regular use of Spiritual Communion and take additional time for prayer above all. No matter what your day is like, Jesus can help make it better, or at least more bearable, if you ask him for His help and guidance in prayers such as this one, composed by St. Alphonsus Liguori in the 18th century: My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there, and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.Â
- Bishop Guglielmone has given a dispensation for THIS weekend for those immunocompromised or uncomfortable. As ALWAYS, those who are sick/symptomatic/contagious are dispensed.
- We’ll continue to follow our guidelines posted on 28 February with the addition of emptying Holy water fonts and discouraging use of hymnals.
- The collection basket will not be passed along pews – it will be located at convenient spots around the Church.
- Our St Joseph’s Feast Day Mass, Procession & Potluck has been cancelled on 19 March
- Our parish school children have been sent home with materials should the State of SC deem it necessary to shutdown schools. We remain ready to continue teaching online. If it should come to this and there are any circumstances that prevent your child from completing their classwork, rest assured that we will take care of everything once we return to school
- Our 10a Sunday, 15 March Mass will be recorded for subsequent viewing
- If you or a parishioner you know is in need of support from their parish family, message us privately. Isolation carries health risks and we want to be sure everyone is safe, healthy and supported. There are parishioners already stepping up to be a source of support (need a phone call? need help getting groceries?).

22 March 2020 Bulletin
Click below to read this week’s special edition bulletin (not printed due to COVID-19):
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