by Communications Director | Mar 27, 2018 | Liturgy, Parish Life, The Latest
Spy Wednesday, 28 March
8:30a English Mass
6p Tenebrae
7p Confessions
Maundy Thursday, 29 March
7p Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Procession of the Most Blessed Sacrament
8p Adoration until Midnight
Good Friday, 30 March
12n Stations of the Cross and Divine Mercy Chaplet
3p Liturgy of the Passion
7p Procession of the Dead Christ
Holy Saturday, 31 March
9a Blessing of the Easter Baskets
Easter Vigil, 31 March
8:30p Easter Vigil
Easter Day, 1 April
8a English Mass with Hymns
10a Solemn English Hass
12n Sung Latin EF Mass
by Communications Director | Mar 27, 2018 | The Latest
This scene is one of many depicting the persecution of our Christian brothers and sisters in the Holy Land (specifically dating to an attack in 2013 of an ancient chapel inside the Virgin Mary and St. Abraam Monastery that was looted and burned). And, this Good Friday, we ask you to be generous in donating to our collection in their name. Once a year the Universal Catholic community takes up a collection for the Holy Land. Rami M. Qumsieh, KHS, a concerned Catholic from Bethlehem, says this: “To a large extent, the Holy Land is an abstract idea for many; I assure you, our Christian Holy Land is very real. If you have never been, you must visit on a dedicated Catholic Pilgrimage (not a commercial tour). Your faith will come alive in ways you never expected. What makes up the identity of our Christian Holy Land is (1) the Catholic community who have been keeping the faith since the very first Eucharist, and (2) the Churches standing on all locations where Christ ministered here on Earth, literally. Your contribution to this collection is needed more than ever. What our Christian Holy Land is enduring especially in terms of political pressures is enormous. Did you know that the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (the location Jesus was buried and Resurrected) closed its’ doors for THREE days in protest of the treatment the Church is enduring, this past February 2018? The threat is real and the least we, as Catholics worldwide, can do is pray and alleviate the financial burden our Church in the Holy Land is enduring as a result of the limited resources in the region. Please give generously, we all need our Christian Holy Land. This collection represents the single largest source of operating income for the Franciscans who care for so many of our Holy Sites.”
by admin | Mar 26, 2018 | Parish Life
by Communications Director | Mar 22, 2018 | Adult Education, Parish Life
Tune in live on Facebook for the last of our 4-part series on Holy Week in the Roman Liturgy with Fr. Christopher Smith, STD.  Here is the slide deck! Expect to learn about:
ï‚· A Vigil of Commemoration, Expectation and Initiation
ï‚· The Lucernarium
ï‚· The Exsultet
ï‚· The Prophecies
ï‚· The Blessing of the Font
ï‚· The Baptisms
ï‚· The Mass of the Paschal Vigil: Wedding Feast of
the Lamb
ï‚· Vespers/Lauds of the Paschal Vigil
by Communications Director | Mar 21, 2018 | Bulletin
Please read the bulletin for this week by clicking the link below:
25 March 2018 Bulletin (Palm Sunday)
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