by admin | Feb 23, 2016 | Events, Liturgy, Parish Life, The Latest, Uncategorized
Father Smith’s father, Ed, has moved into Greenville Glen. If you would like to write or visit, his address is below. Father Smith is very thankful for all your prayers and to all who helped make this move possible.
Ed Smith
Greenville Glen Rm 207
1101 Garlington Rd
Greenville, SC 29615
by admin | Feb 21, 2016 | Christian Formation, Events, Liturgy, Parish Life, The Latest
Join us for an Open House for the Guild of Our Lady and St. Gianna, 21 February, at 4p in Croghan Hall.
Open to all girls ages 5-18
New and Established Members
For more information on the Guild of Our Lady and St. Gianna check out their page on our website or contact Suzanne Gubitosa at 420-2511 or
by admin | Feb 18, 2016 | Uncategorized
Click below to read this weeks bulletin in PDF.
Bulletin 21 February 2016
by admin | Feb 18, 2016 | Events, Liturgy, Parish Life, The Latest
Calling all Preschool-age children!
During the Tuesday morning Women’s Bible Study, which is held weekly from 9:45-11:15, pre-school age children are invited to attend POP Kids This program, which loosely follows the “Catholic Icing” preschool curriculum, includes prayer, songs, crafts, snack time, story time, and play with letters, as well as time for free play with other Prince of Peace preschoolers. Currently, we are focusing on the creation of the world and God’s love for us. We would love to have your pre-schooler join us!
Childcare is also available for babies and toddlers of moms attending the Bible study or helping with this program. Contact Andrea Suarez at 864-234-7415 or for more information!
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