Music for Christmas

Music for Christmas

Come celebrate the birth of the Christ Child at Prince of Peace. Be sure to arrive early to hear festive prelude music. The prelude to 4p and 6p will feature student violinists. Musical highlights are as follows:

4p Mass – The Primary Choir sings O, Come Little Children

6p Mass – led by our Youth Choir singing Lo, How a Rose

Midnight Mass – Prelude begins at 11.30p

The Holy Boy – John Ireland

Silent Night – arr. by Barry Rose

Ave Maria – Javier Busto

Laetentur Caeli – William Byrd

Festive Organ Postlude – Hark, the Herald Angels Sing – David Willcocks

Blessing of the Choir Vestments

Blessing of the Choir Vestments

On Gaudete Sunday, Father Smith blessed The Junior Choir members’ vestments. The Junior Choir was joined by members of the Primary Choir as well as members of the St. Catherine Choir of Prince of Peace Catholic School to make a total of forty-five children to lead the music for the 10a Gaudete Mass. The choir’s vestments were given through generous donations for that purpose.


Alan Reed leading the combined choirs

Members of the St. Catherine Choir

A Primary Choir member

The choir leading the communion hymn.

Members of the Junior Choir leading the Communion Hymn.