Fr Smith’s Christ the King Sunday Sermon

Bulletin 29 November 2015
Click below to read this weeks bulletin in PDF.

Host the 5th Annual CYO Progressive Dinner!
If you’d like to help Prince of Peace celebrate the Advent season, a great way to do so is to host a portion of CYO’s fifth annual progressive dinner that will be held Gaudete weekend, Saturday 12 December.
15-20 youth of our parish will travel to one parishioner’s home for an appetizer, then another house for an entree, then to one more house for dessert and a white elephant gift exchange. If you’re interested in celebrating with us and hosting a portion of our meal, please contact Stephanie Lasitter at stephanie.lasitter@princeofpeacetaylors.org or 864.331.3905.

Bulletin 22 November 2015
Click below to read this weeks bulletin in PDF.
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