Introduction to Roman Catholicism
New class on Wednesday nights in the Middle School Bldg. at 6.30p beginning 9 September 2015.

Bulletin 9 August 2015
Click below to read this weeks bulletin in PDF.
Career Opportunity-Pastoral Associate
Prince of Peace Catholic Church is looking for a full time Pastoral Associate. The successful candidate will be responsible for adult religious education and RCIA, the formation and support of catechists and school faculty in theology, and the formation and support of a pastoral council.
Requirements: Practicing Catholic with a joyful temperament, MA or above in theology, knowledge of both the Ordinary and the Extraordinary Forms of the Roman Rite of the Sacred Liturgy, excellent written and oral communication and computer skills, ability to multitask.
Additional duties include:
- Liaison between pastor and all parish ministries
- Clerical support to clergy
- Keeping the pastor’s calendar
- Scheduling of liturgical ministries
- Coordination and scheduling of altar servers
- Scheduling of baptisms and weddings
- Planning for and scheduling of funerals
- Annulments
- Production of booklets for special liturgies and devotions
Send resumes and cover letters to businessmanager@princeofpeacetaylors.org

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