Lisa Buss to Complete her Certification in Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction – Pleas remember parishioner Lisa Buss in your prayers as she completes he certification to be a Spiritual Director.  Upon graduating from the Cenacle of Our Lady of Divine Providence School of Spirituality in January, 2016, Lisa will be available to “assist God’s people on their spiritual journey.”  Certification requires three 2-wee sessions of teaching, prayer, and study, as well as a 30-day Ignatian Retreat, and a 16-week practicum with a prayer companion.  Lisa has completed over 100 hours of study which included “The Ignatian Rules of Discernment” taught by Fr. Timothy Gallagher, O.M.V., and “Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit” taught by Sister Ann Shields of Renewal Ministries.  The Church has recommended laity seek out spiritual direction to deepen their relationship with Christ.  Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI encouraged all to heed this advice.  While remembering Lisa in your prayers, also ask God if He is calling you to a deeper relationship with him.  Lisa can be contacted at JMJLife@gmail.com.  For more information about The Cenacle, visit http://divineprovidence.org/
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