Bulletin 29 March 2015
Click the link below to read this week’s bulletin in pdf.
Bishop’s Annual Appeal 2015
Altar Server Practice Schedule for Holy Week (29 March – 5 April)
Saturday before Palm Sunday: practice for English at 1p, for Latin 1.30p.  5p Mass.
Palm Sunday: 8a, 10a English Mass with procession, 12p Latin Mass with procession, and 6p.
Spy Wednesday: practice for Tenebrae at 6.30, Tenebrae at 7, Confessions at 5
Maundy Thursday: practice at 10a, Mass at 7p
Good Friday: practice for Liturgy of the Passion 9a, Liturgy of the Passion at 3p.
             practice for the Procession of the Dead Christ at 6p, Procession of the Dead Christ at 7p.
Holy Saturday: 2p RCIA practice with Sean Chapman for the Great Easter Vigil;
               2.30p Practice with Servers.  The Great Easter Vigil at 8.30p
Easter Day: 8a, 10a, 12p, and 4p En Español

Greenville News: Old Latin past illuminates future for Catholic Church
Click the link below to read the news paper article on the Greenville News website.
Greenville News: Old Latin past illuminates future for Catholic Church
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