Holy Hour for Vocations

Holy Hour for Vocations

Tonight Prince of Peace will be observing a Holy Hour devotion to the Blessed Sacrament for the priestly and religious vocations.  Join us 6 February at 7p in the Church.

“The priest is not a priest for himself; he does not give himself absolution; he does not administer the Sacraments to himself. He is not for himself, he is for you.”

-St. John Vianney Catechism on the Priesthood


Beginning February 24: Women’s Bible Study

Beginning February 24: Women’s Bible Study

Women of all ages are invited to come together Tuesday mornings from 9:30a-11:00a to learn more about the Word of God! Free child care will be provided during this time. We will meet at 9:30 for childcare drop off in Croghan Hall, then the Bible Study will take place in the Knights of Columbus trailer.

To begin our study, we will be using the book “Women of the Gospels: Friends and Disciples of Jesus…a transforming experience with the Word of God” by Stephen J. Binz. This book is available at Amazon for around $10.50 and is the only cost of the Bible Study.

Please contact Stephanie Lasitter at 864.331.3905 or stephanie.lasitter@princeofpeacetaylors.org for more information.