Your contributions make a significant difference in our parish’s ability to fulfill its mission. They enable us to maintain our beautiful place of worship, sustain our ministries, and extend a helping hand to those in need. With your continued support, we can impact more lives, spread the Word of God, and make a positive impact on our community.
Tithing is the practice of giving a portion of one’s income to the church. It is recommended to be 10% of income. We usually give the formula: 10% = 5% to the weekly offertory, 1% to the Bishop, and 4% to the charity of your choice. Tithing is not just a financial gesture; it’s a profound expression of your faith, love, and dedication to our shared journey of spirituality. Your example inspires others and strengthens our sense of unity and purpose.
3 Giving Methods
EFT, or Electronic Funds Transfer, is a digital financial transaction method that electronically moves money from one bank account to another. Setup EFT for continuous giving at the amount and interval you desire.
Online Giving through is the most convenient and secure method to give one time or recurring gifts to the offertory or other special projects. Manage your giving through an online platform.
Registered parishioners receive envelopes in the mail quarterly for the offertory and other special projects. The envelope system is our method of identifying parishioners as active.
All the tithe of the land is the Lord’s. It is holy to the Lord. And all the tithe of herds and flocks, every tenth animal of all that pass under the herdman’s staff shall be holy to the Lord. – Leviticus 27.30, 32
When you come to church, how did you go about thinking of what you were going to bring to the Offertory? When you received the just reward for your labors in your check from work, what was the first thing you thought about doing with it? Abel, the just man, gave his first fruits from the LORD and was blessed for it. Cain, his older brother, gave what was left over to God, who did not look with favor upon the offering. Do you want to be blessed by God? Give your first fruits to him.
Annual Reports

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