

 Ancient Order of HiberniansAOH invites Catholic men of Irish descent to join. AOH organizes social and charitable events throughout the year. Contact Kevin Cummings at 864.609.6056.

Basketball Church League – The Basketball Church League is a member of the Methodist Church Basketball League, which is a competitive league for elementary-high school players and men’s teams.  The children’s teams build skills, teamwork, responsibility and leadership. Watch the bulletin for information if you want to play or coach. Learn more here.

Basketball Women’s League – The Basketball Women’s League is a member of the Downtown Church League. The women’s team is for 8 years old and up. If you are interested in playing on the Prince of Peace Women’s basketball team contact Maria Rauch at 864.901.8880 or

Confraternity of Christian Mothers For more information about the Confraternity, email  

Columbiettes – The Columbiettes is a unified body of Catholic Women who meet for fellowship and service to the parish and community. Please consider joining this vibrant group. Contact Connie Gawlak at 864.263.0903 or

Couples for Christ – Couples for Christ is an international Catholic lay ecclesial movement whose goal is to renew and strengthen Christian family life and values.  Contact Hernando & Merlita Carandang at

Cursillo – Cursillo is a Catholic movement that through friendships and community encourages its members to practice Christian fundamentals within their daily activities. Through a spirit of brotherhood Cursillo members strive to live lives fully to the love of God and Man. Contact Deacon Mark Thompson at 864.630.0606.

Knights of Columbus 9184 –  Men 18 and older and invited to meetings on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7p in McGivney Hall. Learn more at

Ladies Lunch Bunch – The Ladies Lunch Bunch is a group of women who go to lunch on the second Thursday of the month for food and fellowship. Contact Dorothea Jones at 864.268.3354.

Men’s Breakfast Club – The Men’s Breakfast Club meets on the first Thursday of the month at Denny’s on Wade Hampton for food and fellowship.  All men are welcome.  For more information contact Tony Scachetti at 864.268.8563 or

Men’s Bible Study – Meets Tuesdays at 7p. Led by Deacon Michael Thompson. Contact Deacon at 864.365.8178 to learn more.

Women’s Bible Study – Meets Wednesdays at 7p. Join their Facebook group to learn more.

Volleyball – Volleyball is a co-ed adult league.  If you are 16 years of age or older, consider joining us.  All skill levels are welcome.  Contact Johanna Best at 616.8668 or

Serving the Community

Bounce – Bounce is a ministry for widows and widowers.  Contact Jean Casey at 864.423.7010 or

Prince of Peace Meal Train – The Meal Train volunteers to make meals for our parishioners who have  just  had  surgery  or  a  life  crisis.  To volunteer or to request a meal train contact, Jennifer Pfaffl at

Respect Life – Help raise awareness for Pro-Life causes and organize parishioners to attend such events as the Life Chain and Pro-Life rallies in Columbia and DC.  Contact Caleb Payne by email

St Vincent De Paul – St Vincent De Paul is an international hands-on charitable organization. Our parish SVDP Conference depends on your donations to provide assistance with utility bills, food and clothing to those most in need in our community. We welcome non-perishable food donations at any time and especially during our food drives, along with any size clothing and shoes in good shape. Items may be left in or alongside the wooden box in the narthex. To donate by EFT to the Prince of Peace SVDP conference, click here. For more information about our dedicated group of volunteers, please contact our President, Simone Imber at, or call 864.331.3937.  Click here to learn information about a current need for volunteers to step into leadership roles.

Triune Mercy Soup Kitchen – Prince of Peace takes turns with other churches in the area in cooking and serving meals to the poor.  For more information, contact John Olson at

Serving the Church

L7 Sisters Apostolate – The 7 Sisters is a prayer group composed of seven women who are dedicated to offering a holy hour one day a week and pray specifically for Fr. Smith, and an additional seven women who  would pray specifically for Fr. Tomlinson. Mission & StructureFAQ. Contact Donna Kelly at or 864.268.4722.

Altar Society – Clean, iron and gives regular care for the sacred altar linens.  If you are interested please contact Lena Boyle at 864.244.2997 or

Bereavement Committee – The Bereavement committee provides the reception for the funerals of our parishioners.  To help, contact Sharon Huecker at 864.297.1987 or

Choirs – Choirs are available for Children, Youth, and Adults.  Contact Philip Reed at 864.331.3904 or

Extraordinary and Homebound Ministers to the Sick – Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist at Ordinary Form Masses by distributing Holy Communion during Mass.  Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick & Homebound visit those in our parish who are unable to get to Mass and bring them Holy Communion.  Contact Deacon Mark Thompson at 864.630.0606

Guild of St Benedict Welcome Committee -The Welcome Committee is a group of parishioners charged with contacting and welcoming new POP parishioners.  If you are looking for a way to be of service to our parish but have little extra time, this committee might be just right for you.  Contact Tracy Rozsa at

Legion of Mary—Legion of Mary at Prince of Peace is to bring Christ and His Church to souls and to bring souls to Christ and His Church.  If you have a great love for our Blessed Mother, please contact Lydia Augustine at

Liturgical Ministers (Lectors) – Proclaim the Word of God at Ordinary Form Masses.  Contact Deacon Michael Thompson at 864.449.7845 or

Prayer Shawl Guild  – The Prayer Shawl Guild is a ministry of knitters and crocheters who pray for the recipient as they create the wrap.  If you knit or crochet, please consider joining.  Contact Paulette at 864.434.0278

Ushers – If you would like to be an Usher at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, contact Marco DeMaria at or 414.3090


Boy Scouts – The Scouts have called Prince of Peace home for many years. Contact Marty Yigdall at 864.423.6541 or

Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) – Meets Sundays at 6.30p. Contact Stephanie & John Lasitter to learn more at

Fidelis –Fidelis is a mentoring program for girls from 6th-12th grade run by women of the parish 18-99yo! All women are invited to mentor, regardless of whether they have a family member in the program. The women form a sisterhood of Christian women seeking virtue and invite the young ladies into that sisterhood. The program meets weekly on Tuesdays from 6.30-8.45p in the PAC. To learn more, contact Maureen Connelly at

Fraternus—Fraternus is a mentoring program for boys from 6th to 12th grade run by the men of the parish 18-99yo! All men are invited to mentor, regardless of whether they have a family member in the program.  The men form a brotherhood of Christian men seeking virtue and then they invite the young men into that brotherhood. The program for the 6th-12th graders meets on Tuesdays from 6.30-8.45p in the PAC. To learn more, contact Billy Martin at 631.786.7712  at

Girl Scouts – Girl Scout Troop 1760 is a multilevel Troop for girls K5-12th grade.  Contact or 757.621.1384.

Guild of St John Berchmans (Altar Boys) – Boys and young men (3rd grade and above) who wish to contribute to the dignified and reverent celebration of the Sacred Liturgy at Prince of Peace by serving the altar are invited. To find out more about becoming an altar boy contact Deacon Michael Cavin

Prince of Peace Catholic School – The main apostolate of Prince of Peace Catholic Church is its grade school, which educates children from K3- 8th grade. Contact Michelle Zimmerman at 864.331.2145.

Religious Education – Religious Education is available for children grades K5-8th on Sunday mornings from 8:50a-9:50a during the school year.  Sacramental preparation is taught for First Holy Communion, First Confession, and Confirmation.  To register your child, contact Maria Barontini at 864.331.3919 or


Dominicans Third OrderLearn about the life and charism of Lay Dominicans and how they share in the apostolic mission of the Dominican Order through the Four Pillars: Prayer, Study, Community and Apostolic Preaching, by emailing Janice Carl, OP at

Friends of St Josemaria Escriva – A recollection is a two hour silent retreat whose purpose is to help lay men and women sanctify their ordinary life in and through their work, family, and recreations.  The evenings consist of a mediation by a Priest familiar with Opus Dei, a talk on living Christian virtues, and time in front of the Blessed Sacrament.  Each evening is held several times a year.  For more information contact Thierry and Tanya Wersinger at 864.979.1856.

Contact Prince of Peace

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