Vatican II: the Challenge and the Promise A Seven-Part Class by The Rev’d Fr. Christopher Smith, STD Loading Content... Share a Link to this Homily The link has been copied to your clipboard; paste it anywhere you would like to share it. Close September 29, 2016 Why Vatican II is Important Fr. Christopher Smith Course Syllabus Listen October 6, 2016 Ecumenical Councils Fr. Christopher Smith Course Syllabus Listen October 13, 2016 Sacrosanctum Concilium Fr. Christopher Smith Course Syllabus Listen October 20, 2016 Lumen Gentium Fr. Christopher Smith Course Syllabus Listen October 27, 2016 Dei Verbum Fr. Christopher Smith Course Syllabus Listen November 3, 2016 Gaudium et Spes Fr. Christopher Smith Course Syllabus Listen November 10, 2016 Fifty One Years after the Council: Now What? Fr. Christopher Smith Course Syllabus Listen Powered by Series Engine Contact Prince of Peace "*" indicates required fields Name* First Last Email* PhoneMessageEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. FollowFollowFollowFollow