Mass Schedule and Sacraments
Our regular Schedule
8a (Low Mass, English)
10a (Sung Mass, English)
12p (Latin Mass)
5p (Anticipated Mass, English)
Daily Mass
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
7a (Low Mass, English)
12p (Latin Mass)
*only one Daily Mass at 9a on Federal Holidays
8.30a* (Sung Mass, English)
12p (Latin Mass)
*during the school year, the Mass is attended by the students of the parish school
8a (Latin Mass)

5-6p (Confession)
3.30-4.30p (Confession)
Penitents may request the Sacrament of Confession by appointment. Email the parish office.

Parents desiring baptism for their child must be active, registered members of the parish and attend a Baptismal Class. Baptisms are able to be celebrated in the Ordinary Form or Extraordinary Form. For complete information and Baptism Information Forms, please read our Baptism Packet or contact Dcn Gus Suarez by email to register for an upcoming class. To file required paperwork and schedule a Baptism, contact Dcn Nestor Acosta by email.

First Communion and Confession
Children reaching 7 years of age or Second Grade generally receive their First Holy Communion at this time. Children must prepare for two years, usually beginning in Grade 1. Confession must precede First Holy Communion and parents and students are required to attend mandatory meetings, retreat and successfully pass the test. A child may prepare for First Holy Communion as a student of our Religious Education Program or Prince of Peace Catholic School. Children who are older must contact our Director of Christian Formation, Maria Barontini or 864.331.3919.

Children typically in their Eighth Grade year generally receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at this time. Children must prepare for two years, usually beginning in Grade 7. They must have already received the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confession. Students and parents are required to attend mandatory meetings, retreat and successfully pass the test. A child may prepare for Confirmation as a student of our Religious Education Program or Prince of Peace Catholic School. Those who are older who desire to be Confirmed must contact Maria Barontini by email or 864.331.3919. A document titled “What is Confirmation” by Fr Smith is here. All information and criteria for Confirmation may be found here.

Couples who want to be married at Prince of Peace must contact the Parish at least 6 months in advance of desired wedding date. All prenuptial paperwork and requirements must be met before the wedding date can be set in stone. Weddings are permitted in the Ordinary Form or Extraordinary Form at 10a or 1p on most Saturdays of the year with the exceptions of the penitential seasons of Advent and Lent, Holy Days of Obligation and civil holiday weekends. For complete information and guidelines please read our Wedding Booklet and contact Dcn Nestor Acosta by email or phone at 864.331.3905 to schedule an initial appointment.

Sacrament of the Sick
If you or a family member are experiencing a medical emergency and require Anointing of the Sick immediately, please call the Parish Office at 864.268.4352 between the hours of 9a-4p Monday-Thursday or 9a-12p on Friday. If you have a medical emergency after hours, please call 866.456.2956 and one of our priests will be notified.
If you need to arrange a visit for a parishioner who is sick and shut in and desires to receive Communion on a regular basis, please contact Dcn Mark Thompson at 864.630.0606.

In the event of the death of a family member who is a parishioner, please notify Dcn Nestor Acosta by email or phone at 864.331.3905 as soon as possible to discuss funeral arrangements. To aid in planning a funeral please read our Funeral Booklet.

Holy Orders and Religious Life
Think you have been called to the priesthood or religious life? Visit the Diocese of Charleston’s Vocations website to start or contact Fr Smith.
Contact Prince of Peace
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