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Richard Tomlinson - May 29, 2022 The Ascension of the Lord Listen More Homilies from Fr. Richard Tomlinson | Download Audio Facebook Tweet Link Share Link Send Email More Homilies August 30, 2020 Fr. Tomlinson's 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Richard Tomlinson Listen August 30, 2020 Fr. Smith's EF 13th Sunday After Pentecost Fr. Christopher Smith Listen August 23, 2020 Fr. Smith's EF 12th Sunday After Pentecost Fr. Christopher Smith Listen August 23, 2020 Fr. Smith's 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Christopher Smith Listen August 16, 2020 Fr. Smith's 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Christopher Smith Listen August 16, 2020 Fr. Duncan's 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Jonathan Duncan Listen August 16, 2020 Fr. Smith's EF 11th Sunday After Pentecost Fr. Christopher Smith Listen August 9, 2020 Fr. Smith's 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Christopher Smith Listen August 9, 2020 Fr. Tomlinson's 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Richard Tomlinson Listen August 2, 2020 Fr. 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