About Prince of Peace Catholic Church
Welcome from our Pastor
Prince of Peace has been described as an extraordinary parish for ordinary people. We have one of the most diverse congregations of any Christian church in South Carolina, but people choose to make their spiritual home here because we are an intentional community of disciples of the Lord Jesus within the classical Catholic spiritual tradition. You will notice that everything about our parish flows from the source and summit of the Christian life, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The worship of the Triune God is the heart of all that we do, whether it be the continual sacrifice of prayer in the Adoration Chapel, the social ministry to those in need, or the educational programs we have for children and adults. That vision of restoring Catholic culture to its glory motivates this beautiful part of the Lord’s vineyard.
We are delighted to welcome you to Prince of Peace Catholic Church & School. For as long as we journey together, may the Prince of Peace shower you with every blessing and bring you to a deeper conviction to the glories of the Catholic and Roman faith.

Symbolism of our Logo
According to legend, in a time of famine a mother pelican would draw blood from her own chest and give the blood to her chicks. Thus the pelican symbol in Christianity, also called pelican-in-her-piety, symbolized the sacrifice of Christ on the cross (because he gave his blood for others) as well as the Eucharist (because it represents Christ’s blood and provides spiritual nourishment).
The papal keys symbolize the devotion of the parish to the Successor of St Peter as the guarantor of unity in the Church.

Relics on our Altars
On the High Altar:
- Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother
- Cecilia
- Francis of Assisi
- Mother Teresa
- Lawrence
- Sebastian
- Altar of Sacrifice:
- Bl FX Seelos
- Therese of Lisieux
- Peter
- Augustine
Inside Altar:
- Linus
- Callistus
- Pius X
- St Elizabeth Ann Seton

Perpetual Adoration

K3-8th Grade School
The principle apostolate for the handing on of the Catholic faith is our award-winning parish school. With grades K3-8th, it serves as a beacon of academic excellence and spiritual growth since 2002. Learn more.
Largest Nativity in the Southeast
The parish unveiled a life-sized nativity scene in 2021 that has become a destination for pilgrims across the Advent and Christmas seasons. The 13 pieces were designed and carved by Johanne Albl of ALBL Oberammergau, who has been in the business of woodworking and sacred art in Germany since 1556. The Great Nativity at Prince of Peace is made of polychrome Lindenwood. The figures include the Virgin Mary holding Jesus, Joseph, an angel and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, shepherd, ox, donkey, sheep, lamb, and a camel which at 1600 pounds and 9 feet is larger than an actual camel. The set is completely one-of-a-kind; no other pieces like this exist in the country and was paid for in total through private donations. It is in memory of the many parishioners and people who passed during COVID-19 as a visible reminder of the light and joy of the Christmas miracle, that Jesus comes to dispel the darkness.
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